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Panama Flag Documentation

Panama Flag Documentation
Apply for CDC
Documents Required
- Application Form
- Photo(White Background)
- Valid passport
- Approved medical certificate
- Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques
- Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting
- Elementary First Aid
- Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities
- Security Awareness Training for All Seafarers
- Ratings forming part of a navigational watch (Deck for AB rank CDC)
- Ratings forming part of an engineering watch (Engine if required for Oiler rank CDC)
- Certificate of proficiency (II/5 for ABD CDC)
- Certificate of proficiency (III/5 for ABE CDC)
- CDC and stamp pages for AB/ABD/ABE/Oiler position as required.
Apply for CoC renewal (Deck /Engine)
Documents required for Deck/Engine officers:
- Application Form
- Photo(White Background)
- Valid passport
- Approved medical certificate
- Previous Panama License (CoC)
- Panama CDC
- CDC stamp pages (12 Months of sailing)
- Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques
- Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting
- Elementary First Aid
- Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities
- Fast rescue boats
- Advanced Training in Fire Fighting
- Medical First Aid
- Medical Care (Only for Management Level)
- Ship Security Officer/ STSDSD
- Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than fast Rescue Boats
- Radar navigational, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA. Operational Level (Only for Deck officer)
- The Operational Use of Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) (Only for Deck officer)
- Bridge Resources Management (Only for Deck officer)
- Marine Environmental Awareness
- Leadership and Teamwork
- Engine Room Resources Management (Only for Engine officer)
- High Voltage course (Only for Engine officer)
Apply for Panama Up-gradation (Deck/ Engine)
Documents required for Deck/Engine officers:
- Application Form
- Photo(White Background)
- Valid passport
- Approved medical certificate
- Previous Panama License (CoC)
- Panama CDC
- CDC stamp pages (24 Months sailing in which 12months sailing should be on more than 3000 GRT on FG vessel for Obtaining Deck side Unlimited CoC)
- CDC stamp pages (24 Months sailing in which 12months sailing should be on more than 3000 KW on FG vessel for Obtaining Engine side Unlimited CoC)
- Sea service letter from Manager/ Operator of the voyage of mentioned sailing
(Application for Eligibility letter processed with the above documents.)
After Obtaining Eligibility letter, below documents required for the process of Upgraded CoC:
- Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques
- Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting
- Elementary First Aid
- Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities
- Fast rescue boats
- Advanced Training in Fire Fighting
- Medical first aid
- Medical Care (Only for Management Level)
- Ship Security Officer / STSDSD
- Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than fast Rescue Boats
- Radar navigational, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA. Operational Level (Only for Deck officer)
- Radar, Arpa, Bridge Teamwork and Search and Rescue. Management Level (Only for Deck officer)
- The Operational Use of Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) (Only for Deck officer)
- Bridge Resources Management (Only for Deck officer)
- Marine Environmental Awareness
- Leadership and Teamwork
- Engine Room Resources Management (Only for Engine officer)
- High Voltage course (Only for Engine officer)
- Upgrading Course for Master and Chief Mate (Only for Deck)
- Upgrading Course for Chief Engineer and Second Engineer (Only for Engine)
Apply for CoE (Certificate of Endorsement)
Documents Required
- Application Form
- Photo(White Background)
- Valid passport
- Approved medical certificate
- Valid White list CoC
- Verification of CoC
- STSDSD/ SSO course
Apply for Tanker Endorsements
Documents Required
- Application Form
- Photo(White Background)
- Valid passport
- Valid White list CoC for officers
- Valid CDC for Ratings
- CDC Stamp page
- Tanker course for which Endorsement shouted (Basic Oil and Chemical/Basic Liquid Cargo handling course/ TASCO/ CHEMCO/ GASCO)
Apply for W/K and CoP Endorsement
Documents Required
- Application Form
- Photo(White Background)
- Valid passport
- Valid CDC
- CDC Stamp page
- Required course (W/K / CoP)
Apply for New GMDSS GOC/ Renewal/ GMDSS Endorsement
Documents Required
- Application Form
- Photo(White Background)
- Valid passport
- Approved Medical certificate
- GOC book from other white list flags (Only for Obtaining Endorsements)
- Valid license (Master, Chief Eng, Deck/ Engine Officer (Only in case of Renewal/New Issuance)
- Previous GOC (Only in case of Renewal)
- General Operators Certificate for Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Certificate (Only in case of Renewal/New Issuance)
- Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques (Only For New GOC)
- Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (Only For New GOC)
- Elementary First Aid (Only For New GOC)
- Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities (Only For New GOC)
- Ship Security Officer / STSDSD (Only For New GOC)