Home » Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations
Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations
Course Objective
Objective: Advanced Training for Oil Cargo Operations provides participants with an understanding of safe, pollution free oil handling and transportation, and to enable them to supervise and train other personnel in operational procedures
Subject Areas:
This course meets the requirements of regulation VI/1-1. Paragraphs 4.3 section A-VI/1-1, paragraph 2 and Table A-VI/1-1-2 of the STCW convention and Code as amended in 2010 and is in compliance with IMO model 1.02.

Course Content:
- Course Contents: Oil tanker design, systems and equipment
- Pump theory and characteristic, including types of cargo pumps and their safe operation
- Tanker safety culture and implementation of safety management systems
- Monitoring and safety systems, including emergency shutdown
- Loading, unloading, care and handling of cargo
- Effect of bulk liquid cargoes on trim, stability and structural integrity
- Oil and cargo related operations
- Development and application of cargo related operation plans, procedures and checklists
- Calibration and use of monitoring and gas detection systems, instruments and equipment
- Managing and supervising personnel with cargo related responsibilities
- Physical and chemical properties of oil cargoes
- Precautions to prevent hazards
- Hazard and control measures associated with oil tanker cargo operations
- Occupational health and safety
- Responding to emergencies oil tanker emergency procedures
- Actions to be taken following collision, grounding or spillage
- Medical first aid procedures on board oil tankers
- Precautions to prevent oil pollution
Five days
Target Group
All Ratings
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Marine Course are:
- Advanced Training on Chemical Tanker Operation
- Advanced Training on Gas Tanker Operation
- Advanced Marine Electrical Course
- Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations
- Marine Assessor
- Basic Hydraulics Course
- Bridge and Engine Room Resource Management Course (BERM)
- Bridge Team Management (Refresher)
- Bridge Team Resource Management
- Bulk Carrier Safety and Inspection
- Chemical Tanker Cargo & Ballast Handling Simulator (LCHS) (Refresher)
- Chemical Tanker Cargo & Ballast Handling Simulator (LCHS)
- Food Safety and Hygiene
- Engine Room Resource Management /Engine Team Resource Managment
- FRAMO’ Hydraulic Cargo Pumping System
- High Voltage Safety Course
- Ice Navigation
- IGF Course
- Cargo and Ballast Handling Course – LPG tanker (LCHS) IMO Model 1.35
- Leadership Management
- Liquid Cargo Handling Simulator (OIL) (REFRESHER)
- LNG Bunkering Simulator
- Log Carrier Operation
- Maritime English
- Marpol And Environmental Management System
- ME Engine-Familiazation Course
- ME-B/C Operation, Trouble Shooting and Analysis (MOTA)
- Mental Health Awareness for Seafarers
- Maritime Resource Management (MRM)
- Parcel Chemical Tanker Safety
- Port State Control
- RT Flex Engine Operation & Simulator Training Program
- Risk assessment and Incident investigation
- Ship Manoeuvring Simulator and Bridge Team Work
- Shipboard Safety Officer
- Surface Preparation & Painting
- Tanker Vetting And Inspection (SIRE 2.0)
- Voyage Planning Using ECDIS