ME Engine-Familiazation Course


Enable the participants to comprehend the various electronic, hydraulic, pneumatic and engine mechanical components and understand their co-relations and functions. Enable engineers to operate the control system of ‘ME-B & ME-C’ Engine & Main Operating Panels (MOP) in a correct and safe manner. Learn how to fine tune the ‘ME’ Engine control system for proper balancing of the engine and conforming to emission parameters. (EEDI, Tier II and Tier III) using the MOP. Function testing and troubleshooting logically and efficiently. Gain experience in identify problems and troubleshooting them.

Subject Areas:

The course is conducted with state-of-the-art Main Engine E-Simulator Man B & W 6S80 ME, two-stroke engines and accessible to all participants.

Course Content:


3 days

Target Group

Management & Operational level Engineers & Electrical Officers

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+91 99871 43655
+91 77100 37570

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