Maritime Courses

Advanced Training on Chemical Tanker Operation

The course meets the requirements laid down in Regulation V/1-1 Paragraph 6.3, Section A-V/1-1

Advanced Training on Gas Tanker Operation

This Course meets the requirements of STCW Reg V/1-2 and Code Section A-V/1-2, paragraph 2, Table A-V/1-2-1.

Advanced Marine Electrical Course

This course is aimed to assist all engineers and Electrical officer in dealing with shipboard electrical equipments.

Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations

This course meets the requirements of regulation VI/1-1. Paragraphs 4.3 section A-VI/1-1, paragraph 2

Marine Assessor

It is based on the requirements of STCW Regulation I/6 and STCW Code A-I/6 – Training and assessment

Ballast Water Treatment System

This training covers basic operations and maintenance aspects of Ballast water treatment system

Basic Hydraulics Course

To provide participants with basic skills and knowledge on hydraulics.

Bridge and Engine Room Resource Management Course (BERM)

The Course meets the training requirements as stated in STCW 2010 Table A-II/1, A-III/1, & A-III/6

Bridge Team Management (Refresher)

This course meets the requirements of IMO Model course 1.22, Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork

Bridge Team Resource Management

This course meets the training requirements of IMO Model course 1.22, Ship Simulator

Bulk Carrier Safety and Inspection

This course meets the requirements of STCW 2010 Section A-II/1 and II/2 and covers on Safe Handling

Chemical Tanker Cargo & Ballast Handling Simulator (LCHS) (Refresher)

This course meets the requirements laid down in Regulation 1/12, Sections A-1/12, B-1/12 and Table A-V/1-1-3

Chemical Tanker Cargo & Ballast Handling Simulator (LCHS)

This course meets the requirements laid down in Regulation 1/12, Sections A-1/12, The B- 1/12

Command Orientation Program

This course supports international standards of training in Bridge Team Management with guidance

Commercial Knowledge For Maritime Industry

To gain knowledge into the financial aspects in day-to-day vessel’s operations and special operations.

ME Engine-Familiarization Course (''Electronic engine 6S80 ME - C9.2'' Simulator)

The objective of an ME engine course for shipping is to equip participants with the knowledge and skills

Food Safety and Hygiene

The course covers the requirements laid down under MLC 2006 Regulation 3.2-Food and catering

Engine Room Resource Management /Engine Team Resource Managment

The course meets the requirements as stated in STCW regulation 1/12, Sections A- III/1 & 2 and A & B-VIII/2 for Engine resource management of the STCW Convention and Code as amended in 2010 and is in compliance with IMO Model Course 2.07.

FRAMO' Hydraulic Cargo Pumping System

Understand the working of the FRAMO hydraulic circuit and the components therein



High Voltage Safety Course

The training meets the provisions (for high voltage training) as mentioned in Section A/lll-l, A/lll-2,

Ice Navigation

This course meets the requirements STCW Convention and Code, section A-V/4, paragraph 1.

IGF Course

The IGF Code is the International Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low-Flashpoint Fuels,

Cargo and Ballast Handling Course – LPG tanker (LCHS) IMO Model 1.35

This course meets the requirements laid down in Regulation 1/12, Sections A-1/12, B-1/12

Leadership Management

This course is based on the Guidelines given in the Sections A-II/2, A-III/2 of the STCW Code and IMO model

Liquid Cargo Handling Simulator (OIL) (REFRESHER)

This course meets the requirements laid down in Regulation 1/12, Sections A-1/12 and Table A-V/1-1-2

LNG Bunkering Simulator

This course has been designed to provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to safely

Log Carrier Operation

This course provides the comprehensive understanding of the theory and practice of voyage planning

Maritime English

The course is in accordance with the IMO Model 3.17 and Section A-II/4 of STCW 2010 requirements.

Marpol And Environmental Management System

The course covers the training requirements for the competencies related to compliance

ME Engine-Familiazation Course

The course is conducted with state-of-the-art Main Engine E-Simulator Man B & W 6S80 ME, two-stroke

ME-B/C Operation, Trouble Shooting and Analysis (MOTA)

Introduction to the ME-B & ME-C engine – mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic and electronic systems

Mental Health Awareness for Seafarers

This course provides seafarers with essential knowledge and skills

Maritime Resource Management (MRM)

The Course meets the training requirements as stated in STCW 2010 Table A-II/1, A-III/1, & A-III/6 and Table A II/2 & A/III 2

Parcel Chemical Tanker Safety

This course is for Deck and Engineer Officers on board chemical tankers to understand the hazards

Port State Control

The provisions of International Regulations and Conventions under which

RT Flex Engine Operation & Simulator Training Program

In this course is that the participants should gain
Basic knowledge of RT-flex Engine Components

Risk assessment and Incident investigation

This course will provide participants with the appropriate knowledge, skills, qualification

Ship Manoeuvring Simulator and Bridge Team Work

This course is in accordance with IMO Model Course 1.22 “Ship Simulator and Bridge

Shipboard Safety Officer

This course is based on the Guidelines given in the STCW Code 2010 Table A-II/2 & A-III/2 and IMO Model

Surface Preparation & Painting

The objective of this course is to support corrosion prevention and control during the lifecycle

Tanker Vetting And Inspection (SIRE 2.0)

By the end of the course, trainees will be able to: Recall and implement the applicable requirements

Voyage Planning Using ECDIS

This course provides the comprehensive understanding of the theory and practice
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