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Marpol And Environmental Management System
Objective: To provide an understanding and updating with the latest regulatory requirements of MARPOL, OPA 90 and other IMO conventions for pollution prevention. Understand and follow best management practices for Bilge Water Management and Sludge Management, being able to fill up Oil Record Book, Garbage Record Book, Garbage Management and Volatile Organic Compounds Management plans. To understand emission control requirements in special areas , energy efficiency requirements (SEEMP and EEDI) and optimize various shipboard operations to reduce carbon emissions and fuel consumption.
Subject Areas:
The course covers the training requirements for the competencies related to compliance with MARPOL requirements for protection of the marine environment as mentioned in STCW Table A-II/1, II/2 ,A-III/1, A-III/2 and A-III/6 and is in compliance with IMO Model Course 1.38 “Marine Environmental Awareness”

Course Content:
- MARPOL Annexes
- Safe operation of Oily Water Separator, Incinerator and Sewage Treatment Plant
- Record keeping and filling guidance for Oil Record Book and Garbage Record Book.
- US EPA'S NPDES requirements and compliance.
- Ballast Water Management and Biofouling Management
- SOPEP, OPA 90 and Vessel Response Plan and VGP
- Waste Management Planning
2 days
Target Group
All Deck and Engineers officers
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Marine Course are:
- Advanced Training on Chemical Tanker Operation
- Advanced Training on Gas Tanker Operation
- Advanced Marine Electrical Course
- Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations
- Marine Assessor
- Basic Hydraulics Course
- Bridge and Engine Room Resource Management Course (BERM)
- Bridge Team Management (Refresher)
- Bridge Team Resource Management
- Bulk Carrier Safety and Inspection
- Chemical Tanker Cargo & Ballast Handling Simulator (LCHS) (Refresher)
- Chemical Tanker Cargo & Ballast Handling Simulator (LCHS)
- Food Safety and Hygiene
- Engine Room Resource Management /Engine Team Resource Managment
- Chemical Tanker Cargo & Ballast Handling Simulator (LCHS)
- FRAMO’ Hydraulic Cargo Pumping System
- High Voltage Safety Course
- Ice Navigation
- IGF Course
- Cargo and Ballast Handling Course – LPG tanker (LCHS) IMO Model 1.35
- Leadership Management
- Liquid Cargo Handling Simulator (OIL) (REFRESHER)
- LNG Bunkering Simulator
- Log Carrier Operation
- Maritime English
- Marpol And Environmental Management System
- ME Engine-Familiazation Course
- ME-B/C Operation, Trouble Shooting and Analysis (MOTA)
- Mental Health Awareness for Seafarers
- Maritime Resource Management (MRM)
- Parcel Chemical Tanker Safety
- Port State Control
- RT Flex Engine Operation & Simulator Training Program
- Risk assessment and Incident investigation
- Ship Manoeuvring Simulator and Bridge Team Work
- Shipboard Safety Officer
- Surface Preparation & Painting
- Tanker Vetting And Inspection (SIRE 2.0)
- Voyage Planning Using ECDIS