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Basic Offshore Safety Induction And Emergency Training
Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training Course (Bosiet)
Duration : 3 Days ( Certificates are issued to delegates upon successful completion of course
This course is designed to meet the Basic Safety Induction & Emergency Training requirements for the Offshore Oil & Gas Exploration & Production. Please check your requirements prior to booking. we are providing Practical Training.
During the 3 day BOSIET Course, delegates will be provided with a range of knowledge and skills relevant to
- Safety Induction
- Sea Survival
- Helicopter Safety and Escape
- Fire, Firefighting and Self Rescue
Course Content BOSIET
Safety Induction

- Identify the main offshore hazards and hazard effects/consequences; explain their associated risks, and how they are controlled.
- Explain the potential environmental impact of offshore installation operations.
- Identify key offshore installation safety regulations and explain the basic concept of these regulations.
- Explain the principles of managing safety on offshore installations.
- State the procedure for prescribed medicines offshore.
- Explain the concept of alcohol and substance abuse policy.
- Explain PPE requirements of working on an offshore installation.
- Explain how to report incidents, accidents and near misses on an offshore installation.
- Explain the role of the Offshore Medic
- Immediate first aid actions, including checking airways, breathing and industry recognised first aid practice
Firefighting and Self Rescue
- Correct use of hand held portable fire extinguishers and which ones to use for different classes of fires.
- Self-rescue techniques with a smoke hood from areas where visibility is reduced due to smoke.
- Self-rescue techniques with a smoke hood from areas where visibility is completely obscured.
- Small group escape techniques with a smoke hood from areas where visibility is completely obscured.
Sea Survival

- Donning of a permanent buoyancy life jacket prior to use in an emergency.
- The correct actions when mustering and boarding a survival craft (TEMPSC) as a passenger during launching operations.
- Fitting of a helicopter strop and correct body posture during winching.
- Individual and group sea survival techniques, to include: swimming, getting into Heat Escape Lessening Position (HELP), wave-slap protection, towing, chain, huddle and circle.
- Water entry (stepping off poolside, maximum height 1 metre) and the precautions to be taken when entering the water practice
- Boarding a marine liferaft from the water.
- Immediate first aid actions, to include: ABC
Helicopter Safety and Escape (HUET)

- Donning an aviation transit suit, aviation lifejacket and EBS and conducting EBS integrity checks.
- Actions to take in preparation for a helicopter ditching and an emergency landing.
- Actions following a controlled emergency descent to a dry landing with evacuation via a nominated exit.
- Deployment, operation and breathing from EBS in a pool utilising personal air prior to HUET exercises (delegate to experience positive and negative pressure created by the body orientation in water).
- Actions following a controlled ditching on water (including deploying EBS and, on instruction from aircrew, operation of a push out window) and evacuation through a nominated exit to an aviation liferaft.
- Assist others where possible in carrying out initial actions on boarding the aviation liferaft, to include mooring lines, deploying the sea anchor, raising the canopy and raft maintenance.
- Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a partially submerged helicopter (without deploying EBS or operation of a push out window).
- Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a partially submerged helicopter (deploying, operating and breathing from EBS equipment but without operation of a push out window).
- Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a partially submerged helicopter (deploying, operating and breathing from EBS equipment and operation of a push out window).
- Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a capsized helicopter (without deployment of EBS or operation of a push out window).
- Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a capsized helicopter (deploying and operating EBS on the surface prior to capsize but without operation of a push out window).
- Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a capsized helicopter (deploying and operating EBS on the surface prior to capsize and the operation of a push out window).
- Inflating an aviation lifejacket and deploying a spray visor in water
- Boarding an aviation life raft from water.