Ship Manoeuvring Simulator and Bridge Team Work


The trainees who successfully complete this course will gain experience in handling ships under various conditions and will make a more effective contribution to the bridge team during ship manoeuvrings in normal and emergency situations.
In particular, trainees will gain:
• familiarization with the use of engines and helm for ship manoeuvring
• an understanding of the effects on the behaviour of the ship of wind, current, shallow water, banks and narrow channels and condition of loading
• a greater awareness of the importance of planning a passage or manoeuvre and the need for an alternative plan
• a greater understanding and awareness of efficient bridge procedures and bridge teamwork during watchkeeping and ship handling, in normal and emergency situations
• a greater awareness and understanding of a good interactive communication style and benefit of building up a common shared mental model of the planned passage.

Subject Areas:

This course is in accordance with IMO Model Course 1.22 “Ship Simulator and Bridge resource management” The course addresses the current requirements of STCW 2010 section B-VIII-2, Part 3-1.

Course Content:


5 days

Target Group

Management level Deck officers

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